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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Fifa 10 Versus Pro Evolution 2009 - Which Should I Buy For Christmas?

Fifa 10 and Pro Evolution 2009 both has been long established as the dominant forces within the world of football game play with both of the bringing out a yearly addition to their games to correspond with the start of the football season. They both try to stay up to date with all the relevant football transfers and management positions along with the international player sheet although how true these stay is of course up to the gamer.

Most football games will be played with these two main questions in mind for the gamer, is this any fun? And is it at all realistic? It may be that a subtle style of play in one game over the other simple feels better for you but most gamers enjoy both of these games but will always have a favourite.

Fifa 10 enjoys an amazing set up when it comes to the graphics and camera angles and is incredibly detailed with some players being easily recognisable from their facial features, which has never entirely been done before. The commentary is brilliant as per usual with interactive descriptions of play as it happens and accurate reporting as you play which just adds to the sense of fun you're having because it is so realistic.

Fifa 10 also allows you to perform skill based tricks whilst playing a regular game of football in a Cristiano Ronaldo style of play and what is great is that only players who would actually have the skill set can perform the trick. Another neat feature is the single person play option where you stay as a singular player and have to be that player throughout the game to add to a sense of realism in the game.

Pro Evolution 2009 had had a bit of a bad review recently but they are certainly putting thing right in the recent incarnation of the game by going back to the game people loved on the PS2 unfortunately they seem to have forgotten the graphic update that would have been necessary to bring this game into 2009 unlike Fifa 10.

Pro Evolution has a more natural and enjoyable side to the play than Fifa 10 and they have an official UEFA Champions League License but certainly is also lacking a wow factor that Fifa just keeps on giving.

My conclusion is that Pro Evolution has made a good attempt but Fifa 10 is the real deal.

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