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Monday, July 19, 2010

Bible Games - Two Ideas to Enhance Your Children's Church

Sunday school provides children and the young people of your church with a place to learn more about the teachings of youth ministry. Bible games are both fun and educational activities that get the students of your children's church involved in the learning process.

Bible Verses Idea for Sunday School

To prepare for this Bible activity, you'll need blank business cards or index cards, enough for all of the verses that you want to cover. First, write or type each verse onto a business or index card-you want to make sure you have enough for all the children in your Bible lesson class. If you want to spice up your cards, you can decorate them by hand or even add some simply graphics from the Internet.

When you're ready to go about the Bible game, hand out the cards so that each child has one or two cards. Go through the youth ministry class and have each child recite the verse on his or her card. Encourage the children to take their card home and to work hard on memorizing the verse. The children who return the following week that have memorized their verse gets a small prize or reward.

Dictionary of God Sunday School Craft

You'll need the following for this church craft:

*Ten sheets of paper for each student
*Three-hole punch
*Folders with bendable fasteners
*Markers, crayons, stickers and other decorating tools

First, punch three holes in enough sheets of paper so that each child in your children's church can start with ten sheets. This Bible game can continue on for several weeks or even a few months, if you work on it for about ten minutes each class.

Provide each student with one folder and ten sheets of paper. Place the paper inside the folder and have your class write their names on the front cover of their folder.

Instruct your Sunday school class to write the letter "A" on the top of the first page. Towards the middle of the page, they should write "God is..." Then your class should spend time completing the sentence with words that begin with the letter "A." For example, "God is Awesome." Then have your children write down examples of how awesome God is.

During the next class, have your students write the letter "B" on the top of the second phrase. They should again write "God is..." in the middle of the page and concentrate on filling the page with adjectives describing God that being with the letter "B." This Bible lesson is a great way to work on your students' vocabulary and creativity while also getting them to focus on things about God.

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