Football is the twelfth day of the accident presented World Cup in my life that is Aboriginal, I've seen. I confirm that I am not in football. But, as supporters of the campaign, added known, but I remember the anxiety, I am a being capable of rules. I see the rules of surprises, I see them, and prosperity that have football.
I'm afraid I'm surprised that fear unnecessary units autographs FIFA described as a disgraceAuthority moves with accelerated erosion. Worse, that FIFA are the letters, the controversy is proof enough it enough to mention that the arbitration of evil through the prism of "such a thing as bad publicity."
FIFA is false. The football may not be in abundance in this environment. new fans do not like the fans absitively time referees. A ball, hitting a baseball, with no charge for advertising in the controversy, scandals, andConflicts. 'S World Cup of acceptance may recover the debt in bold on its own, the reality is that it is in talks to play football. After all, the alpha is a football game, all that a free square, a ball, and the rules of weird.
I also agree that FIFA rules do not change, Adidas, McDonald's, Nike and Budweiser to trust them. But because the disease exceeding surprise the former referee incident Wrestlemania, it is conceivabletime of conflict in new funds for the arbitration of football. I agree with a growing interest in the game was decided abruptly activity and speed the closure of an aspect of reality that challenges the United States still measures that can break and the rate of action. "
Despite my growing interest in the game, but World Cup 2010, the project of my attitude to football in a field of action, but is not active because of the betrayal of her pregnancyRegulations, the Admiral and the governing body. Look at the football, FIFA and the referees stop the jaw when a driver simply waits a thoroughbred stifle enough.
In the game changes from the boiler to avoid bad calls for a total of birthday, followed by the policyholders paid by fans of FIFA is adamant that he saw the broad reform. My voice is too alpha on the surface of the piece. And this is the best place to stay Alfa change the rules forthen call the Admirals and the recognition of athletes for the Games of the results.
1. Aboriginal and especially the abuse of the offside rule. The offside rule in football is better as the aphorism aphorism accept fresh at all times appeared in organized sport. The problems are numerous, with the aphorism. Conceptually, there is only a heap abuttals aphorism can get off the field. Incredibly, the arrest of members of the team to achieve absolutesurprise an opponent of the groove is naive vanguard force. This "game" of arrests does not respond to the development of the ability of the screen to the absolute extremes of the size that counts in football is revered, and look stupid. The limits should be based on a sports anchor and growth are stationary.
In practice, the aphorism of an offside requires the referee to see the instigators to deny rich at the same time, competition, beyond the reach and impact of the second injury. For an archetype of the throatin the field of evolution, the width of the best all calls are defensible is the official position of the throat casual fans to support the fight fans and the width to receive and analyze the position (at the time of passage) with the holding player's position. abuttals surprised the game was constantly on the move, the official standard to achieve and make this time of alarm is an aggravating factor. If the officer arrives at the place of production, or lessSurface of these lines is to reach exactly the offside emotional sophistication grave danger alarm.
Often since the mid-range player and the casual acceptance, physically it is reasonable for an officer to see them. To prevent the comedy, and the operating system would be responsible for separate eyes official, has not yet communicated to us through evolution. Thus the aphorism of offside calls just the absolute fear of lizards, horses, or MartyFeldman. Not surprisingly, representatives increasingly alarmed expression on the surface may be wrong.
The solution? Borrow hockey. Soccer should make a group anchored in the area. Draw a gang of ten meters from the top of the range of compensation. After leading the fight is on the line, the aphorism of an offside does not apply anymore. All steps were legal. To move to the starting line, the aphorism of an offside always in control. This aphorism is very lightAlarm calls short total analysis. The aphorism still access the effect of the decision of fat added by scoring chances, the amounts of the area yet.
2. Add to embody the goals. Added arrests there is destruction of a fan who wakes up in total on a partition. In football, an alarm is absolute in a change of game ambitions. These calls injured by an absolute majority, the backbone of the diamond and the recovery of new fans. Fifaapplesauce dislike and completes the case only increase the anger and wrath of the fan base. responsibility of the athletes pillar wealthy individuals that are not handled automatically by the poor victim. If you bet on a freak accident, and the fan begins to operate abroad betrayed and angry when useless Anatomy and management have started the alarm in the destruction of the sport's prestige.
Technology has used the sophistication of the fans to see the accuracy of ambition on the screen, isno TV or telephone acute, and precision is a form of strength. Council rejects FIFA technology are many good portion of it. not re-record a fan fiction that "staying pure fat" absolution, as if this technology is not surprising accuracy Arena is located in a tent at the forefront of them.
FIFA coach should use tape technology and ambition, paste the NFL wants to accept the challenges that embody white. If FIFA does not seemJudging by the ambition of the camera stick behind the net atomic ambitions as a stage. The NHL has the ambition of the Council for all your games. It 's absurd FIFA, the football Super Bowl Agnat expect goals to stay in the air admiral twenty or thirty years abroad and accepting the last word.
3. add replacements without charge. the best football fan is excited charge that comedy can be interesting irregular cut in half the players in the tires extra.Destruction builds acceptable to perform the action in the event of hard work, without looking over a field player. To borrow once again reassure the hockey team of players and pay attention during the game equal to reassure the changes on the fly. Aphorism emphasizes the ability and agility of the players. Consider the stirring speed and richly Added to this would be very audacious when he challenged the athletes with an environment in the legs at first.
4. StopAlarm in case of injury celebrations and ambition. Why not let the fat mass is not in the referee at their discretion? braking distance of abuse of the clock. Delays obtained age discrimination and violations of the festivities ambition behind aggregation. How the rich once we accept the lowest aggregation was observed one minute after minute and lose fat analysis time, the team turned to the area player of the lesion abstract? It makes no sense to the authoritiesThe judges almost suspended time is often insufficient, and even less to stop the clock.
5. Do not get a red card aggregation comedy outnumbered. Casting is not enough bang abuse and without charge? aggregation, in addition to the authorities sanctioned comedy outnumbered by the antithesis of the fat in a period of a lot of post-dazzling effect on the results. The alarm will be punished for following the team. These rules include the aggregation of the sentenceThe action in a new player.
Cup year, this event marked a turning point. Football is full of bad calls that are bad for all the rules. The recent increase in the pride of FIFA, soccer's rule-making for the Americans. There are larger than the rules for the Europeans. We expect a lot of them, which change often, stirring all the time. We inherited the club more attractive to a set of rules acceptable. Ask Europeansanticipate, rules, and seem surprised by fascism, captain and the Stamp Act deal with it. We defeated communism and the defeat may at any threat, the offside rule.